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Welcome to ThePaymaster! Please fill out our form below to brief us on your paymaster requirements. At the end of the form please book in a call with us to ensure we have fully understood the brief or click on the floating button in the bottom right hand corner.

Please give this transfer and distribution of funds a Transaction ID unique to your group. This will be used to identify and bring the respective parties together to the transaction portal.
Sender's Name
(For this Launch Edition we ask you to fill in your name and email again, for version 2.0 these fields will be automatically filled in)
Please input the total amount being transferred for distribution - please state the currency below.
ThePaymaster can receive US Dollars, Euros or British Pounds.
Please give the date you expect to transfer the funds for distribution
Selected Value: 0
Please give the number of beneficiaries money is being sent to.
Beneficiary 1 Name
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Optional. We will ask you later to confirm and agree to the % shares and amounts for each beneficiary and then ask each beneficiary to confirm their agreement before the distribution of funds.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Optional. This maybe helpful downstream for some of the receiving banks.
Agreement to Terms of Service
By submitting your transaction request, you agree to Trustap's terms of service, including Stripe's Full Service Agreement, as detailed on
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